- Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance
- About us
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- Information hub
- Member Home
- Members’ area
- News
- Our work
- Privacy Policy
- Registration
- Registration Success
- Sign up to our E-bulletin
- Sitemap
- Terms and conditions
- What is independent advocacy?
- Measuring Impact
- Outcomes Framework Launch - Recordings available now!
- Request for members' feedback: Independent Advocacy Outcomes Framework
- Independent Advocacy Outcomes Framework Drafting Group – Meeting 5
- Independent Advocacy Outcomes Framework Drafting Group – Meeting 4
- Independent Advocacy Outcomes Framework Drafting Group – Meeting 3
- Independent Advocacy Outcomes Framework Drafting Group – Meeting 2
- Independent Advocacy Outcomes Framework Drafting Group - Meeting 1
- Member news
- Child law experts recommend increasing access to independent advocacy
- Independent advocacy's potential in a redesigned children's hearings system
- SIAA's 5 key asks for AWI Act Amendments
- SIAA respond to the Scottish Government 'Moving on' from care into adulthood consultation
- Are you the new SIAA Trustee?
- Consultation analysis identifies independent advocacy as a recurring theme
- SIAA respond to National Care Service Stage 2 Call for Views
- Draft amendments to independent advocacy provision in National Care Service Bill published
- Outcomes Framework Launch - Recordings available now!
- Core Learning for the SIAA membership
- SIAA working towards LGBT Charter Mark
- A Definition for Independent Advocacy
- SIAA Response to the Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence (LDAN) Bill Consultation
- The Promise Scotland publish 'Scoping' report on a national lifelong advocacy service
- SCVO launch "Fair Funding: Messaging, Asks & Resources"
- National Care Service co-design workshops for independent advocates
- Independent advocacy CEO pay benchmarking
- Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence (LDAN) Bill consultation launched
- Scottish Government to commission Framework Agreement for Participation
- New reports highlights importance of independent advocacy for participation and access to justice
- SIAA respond to A Human Rights Bill for Scotland: Consultation
- Independent advocacy roundtable - SIAA members & Scottish Government
- Scottish Parliament information session (22 Sept)
- SIAA are recruiting
- SIAA Launch 'Sustainability of Independent Advocacy in Scotland' Report
- SIAA roundtable - Human Rights Bill Consultation follow up
- SIAA Peer Support Forums: creating significant spaces for independent advocacy colleagues
- New Scottish Government Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Launched
- Human Rights Bill Consultation Events
- Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry’s Let's Be Heard listening project
- Scottish Government publish Human Rights Bill consultation
- Request for members' feedback: Independent Advocacy Outcomes Framework
- Scottish Government publish new Dementia Strategy
- SIAA public bulletin update
- Invitation to participate in research study: 'An exploration of participation by service users in adult protection case conferences'
- SIAA Peer support forums: Citizen Advocacy
- SIAA Liaison Person
- The National Care Service (NCS): Summer 2023 co-design events
- Request for members information: Independent advocacy training
- Sign up to SIAA peer support forums
- SIAA joins civil society solidarity statement on the Illegal Migration Bill
- 'Independent Advocacy in prisons' peer support session with Chris Johnston, Prison Monitoring Co-ordinator
- SIAA member's pack 2023-2024
- Webinar sessions: Independent Advocacy Awareness Week (April 24 – 28)
- Independent Advocacy Outcomes Framework Drafting Group – Meeting 5
- Mental Welfare Commission: "The right to advocacy - a review of advocacy planning across Scotland"
- Central Advocacy Partners: Evaluation Report from their Pilot Survivors Project
- Independent Advocacy Outcomes Framework Drafting Group – Meeting 4
- Central Advocacy Partners: Victim Support Project
- Independent Advocacy Awareness Week (April 24 – 28)
- SIAA roundtable - SMHLR recommendations: Independent Advocacy (30 March)
- Independent Advocacy Outcomes Framework Drafting Group – Meeting 3
- SIAA Publications available
- Diversion from prosecution: joint review
- Independent Advocacy Outcomes Framework Drafting Group – Meeting 2
- Save the date: 'Independent Advocacy Awareness Week' (April 24 - 28)
- SIAA open session - Peer support: Independent Advocacy in prisons (March 7)
- Digital Inclusion In Mental Health
- CAPS Independent Advocacy – Insights into Ethnic Minority Mental Health workshop
- New SIAA Training: Mental Health Act Training for Independent Advocacy
- Independent Advocacy Outcomes Framework Drafting Group - Meeting 1
- Independent advocacy peer support forums launching in April
- Request for members views: Mental Health (care and treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003: Code of Practice
- Request to join the National Care Service Stakeholder Register
- Self Directed Support Improvement Plan: share your views
- CAPS Independent Advocacy - “BPD Voices” booklet about personality disorder
- Introduction to Independent Advocacy: Defending and Promoting Human Rights (February 8)
- Independent advocacy organisations volunteer request: ASP National Implementation Group
- SIAA provide evidence on National Care Service Bill
- SIAA AGM & Safeguarding Independent Advocacy
- CAPS: new eating disorder service
- Defining Non-Instructed Advocacy for Children and Young People
- Peer support sessions update – we want your feedback!
- Social Care: Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation in Scotland - call for evidence
- Together's Skills and Knowledge Framework – Professional Panel
- New collective advocacy group: A Dyslexic Life
- Registration open for the SIAA AGM & Safeguarding Independent Advocacy (30 Nov)
- Independent advocates volunteer request: Iriss Child Protection Planning Meeting Resource
- SIAA Board Member Recruitment
- SIAA supports Challenge Poverty Week
- SIAA joins 'A Scotland that cares'
- SIAA joins other organisations to ask First Minister to prioritise Human Rights Bill
- Adults with Incapacity training sessions for SIAA's members
- 200 Voices at Scotland’s biggest mental health art exhibition 10 Years of Out of Sight Out of Mind at Summerhall
- SIAA Advocacy Map 2022 Survey
- SIAA joins the LIAPG's CPD Development Day
- CAPS LGBTQI+ Collective Advocacy
- SIAA Roundtable – Scottish Mental Health Law Review Consultation: Additional Proposals
- CAPS LGBTQI+ Collective Advocacy group: launch of the LGBT+ Mental Health Audit tool
- Central Advocacy Partners: Survivors' Advocacy Project
- Staff peer support session – Criminal Justice
- New SIAA Publication: Independent Advocacy Principles Easy Read version
- Carers Week
- Reforming the Delivery of Forensic Mental Health Services to Improve Outcomes for People
- Care Inspectorate: Report on Distance Placements
- Mental Health Awareness Week
- SIAA Conference & AGM 2022
- Scottish Learning Disability Week: independent advocacy can help raise awareness of human rights
- Sign up to the SIAA Training on Anti-racism, gender equality, and intersectionality
- SIAA Roundtable – Scottish Mental Health Law Review Consultation
- AdvoCard’s S.TR.O.N.G. project
- SIAA has become accredited as a Living Wage employer
- Are you an organisation working with people experiencing problem drug use?
- Respond to the spending review and join SCVO's call for fair, sustainable, multi-year funding
- SIAA membership resources
- Scottish Recovery Network: What makes engagement meaningful?
- New SIAA publication: Adults with Incapacity Resource Hub
- CAPS Independent Advocacy: ‘Oor Mad History Ten Years On’ is published!
- Save the date: AGM 2022
- SIAA Board Recruitment
- ‘Experiences of alternative pathways in primary care’ survey
- Workplace Equality Fund
- Taking action to tackle the climate crisis within independent advocacy
- A message from our Board
- Police Scotland survey: ‘Event Engagement Survey: About your experiences’
- COVID-19 Independent advocacy case studies
- Contacting MSPs regarding the Disabled Children and Young People (Transitions to Adulthood)(Scotland) Bill
- Dementia Awareness Training for SIAA’s members
- We are recruiting!
- Registration open for SIAA's Annual Conference 2021
- Legal Services Regulation Reform Consultation - Focus groups
- A message from our Board
- Social security standards amended to include non-instructed advocacy
- Supreme Court strikes down provisions in UNCRC
- Henry Smith Charity: New Advocacy Grant
- Racial inequality and mental health services – new report calls for action
- Significant rise in mental health detentions
- Invitation: Scotland’s Human Rights Report Card - Mental Health and Human Rights
- Using the law to challenge discrimination: new second-tier advice line
- Independent advocacy & youth justice - second roundtable
- SCVO's Pilot HR Programme
- SIAA Dementia Awareness training
- Social media kits for SIAA members
- A Tribute to one of the Greats
- Staff peer support session - 'volunteers'
- A dynamic independent advocacy case studies database
- Staff peer support session - Managing capacity summary
- Legal Services Regulation Reform Consultation
- SIAA Roundtable - Independent advocacy in new human rights law
- New trustees wanted
- Save the date: Conference & AGM 2021
- Staff peer support session – non-instructed advocacy
- Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland Evaluation Project
- Share your good practice examples of independent advocacy with children & young people
- Scottish Mental Health Law Review release interim report (July 2021)
- Template to write to your MSPs
- 'Independent advocacy in action' members' printing poll
- Staff peer support session - workplace wellbeing summary
- Opportunity to highlight need for independent advocacy for older people
- Gathering views of those under forensic mental healthcare
- Explore SIAA's new 'Independent advocacy in action' case studies publication
- Changes in personnel at SIAA
- SIAA launch new website!
- SIAA staff changes
- AWI / Guardianship training - note of interest
- Reflections on SIAA peer support sessions
- SIAA member achievements
- Independent advocacy mentioned in key reports
- Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN) leaflets
- All Our Rights In Law: views from the wider public
- SIAA launch Manifesto for 2021 Scottish Parliament Elections
- Independent advocacy substance use group
- SIAA awarded 'The Lasting Difference' Kite Mark
- New Briefing Calls for Incorporation of Right to Independent Advocacy
- Collective advocacy event report
- Learning
- Peer support
- SIAA Peer Support Forums: creating significant spaces for independent advocacy colleagues
- SIAA Peer support forums: Citizen Advocacy
- Sign up to SIAA peer support forums
- Save the date: 'Independent Advocacy Awareness Week' (April 24 - 28)
- SIAA open session - Peer support: Independent Advocacy in prisons (March 7)
- Staff peer support session – Criminal Justice
- Staff peer support session - 'volunteers'
- Staff peer support session - Managing capacity summary
- Staff peer support session – non-instructed advocacy
- Staff peer support session - workplace wellbeing summary
- Reflections on SIAA peer support sessions
- SIAA news
- Child law experts recommend increasing access to independent advocacy
- Independent advocacy's potential in a redesigned children's hearings system
- SIAA's 5 key asks for AWI Act Amendments
- SIAA respond to the Scottish Government 'Moving on' from care into adulthood consultation
- Consultation analysis identifies independent advocacy as a recurring theme
- SIAA respond to National Care Service Stage 2 Call for Views
- Graphic recordings of SIAA 2024 Conference are now available!
- Draft amendments to independent advocacy provision in National Care Service Bill published
- SIAA working towards LGBT Charter Mark
- A Definition for Independent Advocacy
- SIAA Response to the Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence (LDAN) Bill Consultation
- The Promise Scotland publish 'Scoping' report on a national lifelong advocacy service
- Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence (LDAN) Bill consultation launched
- New reports highlights importance of independent advocacy for participation and access to justice
- SIAA respond to A Human Rights Bill for Scotland: Consultation
- SIAA are recruiting
- SIAA Launch 'Sustainability of Independent Advocacy in Scotland' Report
- New Scottish Government Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Launched
- Human Rights Bill Consultation Events
- Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry’s Let's Be Heard listening project
- Scottish Government publish new Dementia Strategy
- The National Care Service (NCS): Summer 2023 co-design events
- SIAA joins civil society solidarity statement on the Illegal Migration Bill
- Next week: Independent Advocacy Awareness Week (April 24 – 28)
- Webinar sessions: Independent Advocacy Awareness Week (April 24 – 28)
- Central Advocacy Partners: Evaluation Report from their Pilot Survivors Project
- Scotland's Mental Health Partnership calls on First Minister Candidates to Prioritise Mental Health
- Central Advocacy Partners: Victim Support Project
- Independent Advocacy Awareness Week (April 24 – 28)
- Adult Support and Protection Day: Spotting signs of neglect and self-neglect
- Digital Inclusion In Mental Health
- CAPS Independent Advocacy – Insights into Ethnic Minority Mental Health workshop
- CAPS Independent Advocacy - “BPD Voices” booklet about personality disorder
- Introduction to Independent Advocacy: Defending and Promoting Human Rights (February 8)
- SIAA provide evidence on National Care Service Bill
- Civil Society Organisations Ask Minister: Make Implementation a Priority for Human Rights Bill
- SIAA AGM & Safeguarding Independent Advocacy
- CAPS: new eating disorder service
- Human Rights Day 2022: Independent advocates are human rights defenders
- Defining Non-Instructed Advocacy for Children and Young People
- New collective advocacy group: A Dyslexic Life
- SIAA supports Challenge Poverty Week
- SIAA joins 'A Scotland that cares'
- SIAA joins other organisations to ask First Minister to prioritise Human Rights Bill
- 200 Voices at Scotland’s biggest mental health art exhibition 10 Years of Out of Sight Out of Mind at Summerhall
- SIAA joins the LIAPG's CPD Development Day
- Joint statement: the Scottish Government should double the Scottish child bridging payments
- CAPS LGBTQI+ Collective Advocacy
- SIAA Roundtable – Scottish Mental Health Law Review Consultation: Additional Proposals
- CAPS LGBTQI+ Collective Advocacy group: launch of the LGBT+ Mental Health Audit tool
- The UK Government should reconsider its proposal to change the Human Rights Act
- Central Advocacy Partners: Survivors' Advocacy Project
- New SIAA Publication: Independent Advocacy Principles Easy Read version
- Carers Week
- Mental Health Awareness Week
- Scottish Learning Disability Week: independent advocacy can help raise awareness of human rights
- SIAA Roundtable – Scottish Mental Health Law Review Consultation
- AdvoCard’s S.TR.O.N.G. project
- SIAA has become accredited as a Living Wage employer
- Call to action: An enforceable human right to a healthy environment
- Scottish Recovery Network: What makes engagement meaningful?
- Recruitment is now open for the SNAP Leadership Panel
- CAPS Independent Advocacy: ‘Oor Mad History Ten Years On’ is published!
- SIAA joins other organisations dismayed at exclusion of equality and rights in Scottish Government’s Covid-19 inquiry
- ‘Experiences of alternative pathways in primary care’ survey
- Taking action to tackle the climate crisis within independent advocacy
- Welcome to the new SIAA Director
- Be part of the change with the Scottish Mental Illness Stigma Survey
- Contacting MSPs regarding the Disabled Children and Young People (Transitions to Adulthood)(Scotland) Bill
- Dementia Awareness Training for SIAA’s members
- We are recruiting!
- Dunfermline Advocacy: Creating meaningful partnerships during lockdown
- Social security standards amended to include non-instructed advocacy
- Supreme Court strikes down provisions in UNCRC
- Contribute to research on the pandemic's impact on mental ill health
- Racial inequality and mental health services – new report calls for action
- Significant rise in mental health detentions
- Lothian Voices - CAPS Independent Advocacy wins the Inspiring Volunteer Awards 2021
- A Tribute to one of the Greats
- SIAA joins call to double child payment
- Scottish Mental Health Law Review release interim report (July 2021)
- Explore SIAA's new 'Independent advocacy in action' case studies publication
- SIAA launch new website!
- Independent advocacy mentioned in key reports
- Independent advocacy highlighted in 'All Our Rights In Law'
- We are recruiting!
- SIAA launch Manifesto for 2021 Scottish Parliament Elections
- SIAA awarded 'The Lasting Difference' Kite Mark
- New Briefing Calls for Incorporation of Right to Independent Advocacy
- We are recruiting!
- A day in the life of Ceartas Advocacy under COVID19 Lockdown
- SIAA Coronavirus Update
- Concerns over advocacy reforms
- Help us improve our weekly e-bulletin!
- We are recruiting new staff
- Social Security (Scotland) Bill Advocacy Amendment and Briefing
- Social Security (Scotland) Bill Advocacy Amendment and Briefing
- Social Security (Scotland) Bill Advocacy Amendment and Briefing
- Social Security (Scotland) Bill - Advocacy Briefing
- Social Security (Scotland Bill) - Independent Advocacy Support Amendment
- Advocacy Map 2015-16
- Working with Children and Young People: Guidelines for Advocates
- A is for Advocacy - Annual Report 2015-2016
- Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee Call for Evidence
- Summer Edition of about Advocacy now Available!
- Shaben Begum Blogs about Opening Doors
- Welfare Advocacy Support Project
- National Care Standards Consultation report
- Why Mental Health Matters to Scotland's Future
- SIAA 2016 Manifesto
- AGM Presentations
- Scottish Government development fund to Support the delivery of ”˜The Keys to Life'.
- The Autumn Edition of the About Advocacy Magazine is now online!
- The Summer edition of the About Advocacy Magazine is now online!
- The Spring Edition of the About Advocacy Magazine is now available
- Advocacy is for the People ”“ Research into the impact of advocacy on the lives of Older People
- Winter Edition of the About Advocacy Magazine is now available
- A case for independent advocacy for long term neurological conditions
- Jimmy McIntosh MBE 11 November 1939 - 30 May 2014
- SIAA SDS team wants your stories.
- Jo McFarlane's book launch takes place
- Launch of Self-directed Support Statutory Guidance
- SIAA intern Hanna Carlsson wins at Emirates Arena!
- The SIAA About Advocacy Spring edition is on its way!
- Advocacy around the world