A Dyslexic Life is a new collective advocacy group for children, young people and their parents throughout the Western Isles.

The aim of the group is to pick up on the work Matt Hancock MP and former Secretary of State for Health and Social Care is doing for children and young people with dyslexia in England and Wales. Matt Hancock presented The Dyslexia Screening and Teacher Training Bill to Parliament with it’s first reading in June 2022, followed by an order for the Bill to be printed although there are no publications yet. As education is a devolved area in Scotland the Bill will not apply for the children and young people of Scotland.

A Dyslexic Life firmly believes that there is a requirement for a Dyslexia Screening and Teacher Training Bill in Scotland. The Bill seeks to ensure that young people have their dyslexia picked up earlier and can begin to get the proper support they need early in their education. It goes on to propose that every child is screened for dyslexia at primary school and every teacher is trained in dyslexia. This is so important as Dyslexia Scotland states 1 in 10 people across the population have dyslexia.

A Dyslexic Life aims to petition for a Dyslexia Screening and Teacher Training Bill for the children and young people of Scotland so that every child has as equal a chance as possible to happily and successfully go about their education and achieve their full potential.

A Dyslexic Life would like to hear from children, young people and their parents who are affected by dyslexia, organisations, any supportive groups and anyone with an interest in this matter throughout Scotland.

A Dyslexic Life launched a change.org petition on the 31st of October 2022 to coincide with Dyslexia Awareness Week in Scotland. It hopes to gain enough support that will eventually enable a petition to be made to the Scottish Government route.

A Dyslexic Life is contacting as many organisations, parent groups and interested individuals as possible. If you would like to help make a difference about how dyslexia is dealt with for children and young people in Scotland, please get in touch with A Dyslexic Life – office@advocacywi.co.uk  Tel: 01851 701755

A Dyslexic Life would really appreciate hearing from as many people as possible.

You can keep up to date with progress of the Dyslexia Screening and Teacher Training Bill by checking this link https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/3208/publications

Donna Macleod, Parent
Cathy Anne Dunn
, Manager Advocacy Western Isles

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