The Independent Advocacy Outcomes Framework Drafting group met again on February 8 after their initial meeting on January 26.
Independent Advocacy Outcomes Framework Drafting Group Meeting 2 key discussion points
- Should we talk about ‘Advocacy partners’ or ‘people’?
- Do we mean ‘service providers’ or ‘advocacy providers’?
- Defining purpose – there is a need to show collective impact across Scotland. Standards are part of that, and these outcomes are about the impact of our work on people.
Expectation on the framework
- It should be simple, useful and practical – if the document needs explaining, it’s not working.
- New framework as a way to drill into more detail on how to report on the national outcomes.
- Asking IAOs to report into SIAA.
- The new outcomes should ‘parse’ the national ones.
- Maybe add organisational and community outcomes to the new drafts.
- There should be core indicators and indicators that organisations can pick depending on relevance – a ‘basket’ of indicators to pick from.
Previous/current toolkits
- We need to determine its relationship to already existing documents to measure quality assurance.
- It is important to keep what’s good from previous toolkits we’ve had/got and build on what already exists.
- We should build on what already exists and work from what IAOs are already reporting
- Holding sessions in different localities, where members can learn from each other and how to use the tool.
Tasks for the group
- Check/map the two sets of outcomes – the new ones should ‘parse’ the national ones. There is a missing element about ‘power and control’. What would this outcome look like?
- Check/add to the ‘Measuring Impact guide’ the ‘wider community’ outcomes. Currently, it only mentions ‘people’ and ‘service’ outcomes.
- Finalise/agree language of the three themes.