Stories about independent advocacy provide a better sense of what independent advocacy looks and feels like in practice. They give an idea of who might access independent advocacy and the role the independent advocate might play in their situation. Find lots more independent advocacy stories in the ‘Independent advocacy in action: Case studies illustrating SIAA’s ‘Principles and Standards’’ document.
Case studies
Supporting better communication
An independent advocate worked with a man who found it difficult to express his wishes when engaging with people and services in his life. The independent advocate helped him to understand his options and build skills to better communicate.
Working to defend a young person’s right to education
A young man with ADHD and ODD and mild ASD in the fourth year of high school had been told he should collect and sign his leaver’s form but that he had not been excluded. He was supported by an independent advocate to learn about his rights to access education and additional support and to meet with his deputy head teacher to discuss his options.
Topics covered: Additional Support Needs | Mental health
Collective advocacy: Consensus, confidentiality and campaigning for change
Enabling people with mental health diagnoses living in supported accommodation to take action and bring about meaningful change, through a facilitated collective advocacy group.
Topics covered: Housing/Homelessness | Mental health
Ongoing independent advocacy supporting and empowering a 15-year-old girl
Megan was a 15-year-old girl, in hospital on a community treatment order (CTO). Independent advocacy supported her to appeal the CTO successfully and continued working with her to achieve a number of other positive outcomes.
Topics covered: Children’s hearings | Mental health