The National Care Service Development team are looking for people to take part in the co-design process. They aim to work alongside those who use and deliver health and social care services, and the organisations which represent them, to get a future organisation that works for everyone.
There are two ways to participate: the Stakeholder Register group or the Lived Experience Experts Panel.
Stakeholder Register
The Stakeholder Register will be a list of organisations who have real experience of supporting people accessing or using social care services in Scotland. Their expertise will shape the future NCS and help to make sure they are working with the right people, in the right way.
SIAA is part of this group and encourages members to join along.
You can join your organisation to the National Care Service Stakeholder Register here.
For more information, please visit Get involved in designing the National Care Service (NCS).
Lived Experience Experts Panel
Applications are also open to join the Lived Experience Experts panel, if you’d like to share your views on how you think the future NCS should look.
This panel is a group of people who will help to design the NCS by taking part in different kinds of research and design activities. The panel will be made up of people who have real experience of using or providing social care support in Scotland.
Over the next few years the design work will consider a number of themes, the first of which are:
- Information sharing to improve health and social care support
- Realising rights and recognising responsibilities
- Keeping health and social care support local
- Making sure my voice is heard
- Valuing the workforce
If you would like to join the Lived Experience Experts Panel, you can apply online.
You can find more information here Help shape the new National Care Service.