Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance is a membership organisation. Our members are independent advocacy organisations and groups as described in the Independent Advocacy Principles, Standards and Code of Best Practice (2019).

SIAA provides information and support to our members, represents member organisations at various levels and raises awareness and understanding of independent advocacy across Scotland. SIAA works to influence legislation, policy and practice in relation to independent advocacy.

Membership benefits include:

  • Our member-only monthly e-bulletin and mid-month members’ bulletin providing you with the latest on independent advocacy and human rights in Scotland
  • Opportunities to influence and support SIAA’s consultation responses to Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament and key independent reviews
  • Peer support sessions for managers
  • Peer support forums for staff
  • Access to member-only trainings, information sharing sessions and roundtables
  • Opportunities for us to highlight your work and job vacancies on our website, Twitter and e-bulletins
  • Networking opportunities with other independent advocacy organisations and groups
  • Finally, organisational ‘voting’ members, have voting rights at our Annual General Meetings. SIAA members also have the opportunity to vote for Board members, stand for election as a Trustee and influence the strategic direction of SIAA

How to become a member

An independent advocacy organisation only provides independent advocacy and all the activities it undertakes are about providing, promoting, supporting and advocating independent advocacy. Independence means that it does not provide any other services and is structurally, financially and psychologically separate from other organisations and interests. You can find out more information about advocacy and the components of independence in the Independent Advocacy Principles, Standards and Code of Best Practice and the SIAA Constitution.

Please get in touch with us by emailing or calling us on 0131 510 9410 to request a membership form.

All applications for membership will be considered and agreed at Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance board meetings.

Please be aware that SIAA will be looking into other resources and not just the evidence provided.

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