As an organisation, SIAA works to develop and build capacity internally. Measuring SIAA’s impact is central to this strand of work. SIAA measures its impact against the six core ‘intermediary functions’ detailed in Evaluation Support Scotland’s resource, ‘Understanding the Impact of Intermediaries’.

SIAA holds the Lasting Difference Symbol which demonstrates SIAA’s commitment to organisational sustainability, resilience, and development. The Lasting Difference Symbol was awarded to SIAA in February 2021.

Lasting Difference kite markThe Symbol helps SIAA to demonstrate it is committed to developing good practice and to making a lasting difference. As a symbol holder, SIAA has joined a community of practice, with facilitated peer support and an annual networking event to share ideas and generate new learning about sustainability. You can find out more about sustainability support and resources, as well as information about the other symbol holders from the third and public sector, by visiting

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