On Wednesday 30 November, SIAA held its SIAA AGM & Safeguarding Independent Advocacy conference.

We were delighted to welcome members from all across Scotland and spend time together. On the day, our membership spent time connecting with each other and then worked to further develop the IA national outcomes.

We also held our AGM and were thrilled to have new members join the SIAA Board.

Suzanne Swinton, Chief Executive of SIAA, on the event:

“I was encouraged that so many members came along to the conference. It was great just to catch up, eat cake and work together after a long time of being physically apart. After 20 years of SIAA, and over 35 years of independent advocacy it is reassuring that the key principle’s of independent advocacy continues to be the strong foundations where all the diverse models of independent advocacy unite. There was an evident passion amongst the members that Scottish people have access to quality independent advocacy to support people and groups have more power and control in their private, public, and political life.

I am looking forward to working with the finishing group on completing and implementing a national outcomes framework. This will enable the membership to collectively evidence the impact that independent advocacy makes to people and groups in accessing everyday human rights and having more power and control. Thank you for your hard work, openness, and willingness to work together.”

Working on the national outcomes is key, as it will contribute to creating a national quality framework for independent advocacy in Scotland. This is the first draft of the outcomes that were created by our members: SIAA Conference AGM 2022 – Outcomes draft (Nov 30). There will be a drafting group with members from different independent advocacy organisations who will continue the work on these to then share for further comment with members. Members put their names forward at the event and from this a representative working group will be formed.

Thanks again to our membership for a fruitful day and we look forward to continuing working together.

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