On Thursday 15 July, SIAA hosted a roundtable for members in partnership with Professor Jill Stavert and Aimee McDonald from The Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland Evaluation Project team. The project is an independent comprehensive evaluation of the Mental Health Tribunal, with the report which results from the project aiming to provide information on how the Tribunal processes are experienced by patients, named persons, health and social care practitioners and Tribunal panel members. It will identify where the experience is good but also where it may need to be improved. The final project report will be publicly available and will be sent to, amongst others, the Tribunal, Scottish Government and Scottish Mental Health Law Review.

Support the project

At the roundtable, Aimee and Jill emphasised how important it was for people who have experience attended a Mental Health Tribunal to have their experiences included in the project. There has been difficulty in recruiting participants up to this point, in part due to the pandemic. The project team are very happy to come along to speak to your organisations individually about the project or discuss how any barriers to partipation can be removed for advocacy partners. Anything that you can do within your organisations to help share this project with advocacy partners, or support interested people to take part, would be really appreacited. For anyone interested in the study, or any questions, please contact CMHCL@napier.ac.uk tel 01314554553 or a.mcdonald2@napier.ac.uk.

For more background, please find the slides that Aimee and Jill shared during the session below, these can be shared within your organisations. The audio can be played by clicking the speaker icon in the bottom right hand corner of each slide.

Download MHTS Slides July 2021


Gradual return to in-person Tribunals

Some members will be aware that the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland have recently released information about a gradual return to in-person Tribunal hearings. We’ve shared more detailed information about this from Laura Dunlop QC (MHTS President) below, or head over to the news feed of the MHTS website.

MHTS return to in-person Tribunals

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