SIAA will be running Anti-racism, gender equality and intersectionality training sessions for our members. The sessions will be led by Talat Yaqoob who has delivered courses for the SIAA membership before.
This is a great opportunity to strategically upskill our organisations on these important issues.
The sessions aim to provide time for learning, reflection and challenge related to how we ensure our organisations are working through an anti-racist lens, as allies and consider this in the delivery of independent advocacy.
The training includes 2 sessions:
- Session 1: this session will focus on developing a shared knowledge base through evidence, case studies and reflections on our work.
- Session 2: this meeting will focus on practical tips, learning from other’s practice and developing an action plan for us to take responsibility for and embed anti-racist practice in the spaces we occupy.
There will be breaks and time for questions.
Please note that this training is free to attend for members. We recommend signing up in advance as there are limited places.
You can sign up here: