In this edition of About Advocacy you can read about the new Advocacy Qualification launched by The Advocacy Project which aims to raise the role, profile and status of advocacy in Scotland. Learn about Partners In Policymaking and how it is helping to empower parents of children with learning disabilities.
Don’t miss the article highlighting the launch of our film Opening Doors which aims to raise awareness of the power of advocacy for families who are at risk of having their children taken into care.
Check out the article by the New Chief Medical Officer for Scotland outlining her role and the findings of her new Annual Report. You can also learn about the new system of independent prison monitoring in Scotland as well as a telephone service based in East Dunbartonshire which aims to help connect people with the support and services they need.
Finally meet Judith Robertson the new Chair of the Scottish Human Rights Commission who talks about her commitment to building a Human Rights culture in Scotland.
Happy Reading!