Following publication of the Adult Support and Protection revised Code of Practice and related guidance suite, the Adult Support and Protection policy team, in conjunction with Iriss, introduced the “Adult Support and Protection National Implementation Group” in August 2022.
The purpose of this group is to implement and embed the ASP Code of Practice revisions into practice and process to support and protect adults, in Scotland, who may be at risk of harm. Those who manage and deliver ASP activity are best placed to take the helm in advancing good practice and sharing learning, both locally and nationally.
Within the implementation group’s subgroups, the “Advocacy and the voice of the service user and carers” subgroup focuses on putting the individual at the centre of ASP processes and practice, and considering how applying a trauma informed approach enhances practice.
The subgroup meets regularly online and the next meeting will take place in February.
It would be great for independent advocacy organisations to share their expertise and practice in this context. SIAA is already a member of this subgroup, if your organisation would like to join or have any questions please contact us: