The SIAA Board is responsible for the organisation’s strategic direction and governance. The Board currently has nine members, who are elected to the Board on an annual basis. Elected board members are from SIAA’s membership, and there are also several co-opted members that bring a range of expertise to the role.

Elected Board Members:

Arlene Astley, Treasurer

Neill Clark

Muleya Mundemba

Heather MacMaster

Polly Patrick

Tracey McFall, Chair

Kyna Reeves

Mary Sneddon

Sam Cairns

Co-opted Board Members:

Clare Gallagher, Vice-chair

Jill Stavert

SIAA’s staff team is responsible for the organisation’s operations. You can contact staff members by emailing SIAA’s reception desk at

  • Suzanne Swinton, Chief Executive Officer
  • Rhona Willder, Development Manager
  • Marta Wittek, Engagement Officer
  • Liisa Lehtinen, Learning & Development Officer
  • Nicola McPhail, Administration and Finance Officer
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