For the next five years we believe that, as we move forward, it is important for everyone, especially marginalised people and groups, to be given the chance to have their voice heard as decisions are made. Independent advocacy is key to achieving this. To ensure access to independent advocacy, current legislation and policy needs to be fully implemented. The right to access independent advocacy needs to be included in relevant future policy and legislation, including human rights legilsation.
The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance 2021 Manifesto lays out a vision for independent advocacy in Scotland that we hope will be achieved within the next Scottish Parliament. The manifesto focuses on the following three key themes:
- Improved access to independent advocacy
- Robust, strategic provision of independent advocacy
- Independent advocacy at the heart of policy making
Independent advocacy is about speaking up for, and standing alongside individuals or groups, and not being influenced by the views of others. It is about everyone having the right to a voice: addressing barriers and imbalances of power, and ensuring that people’s rights are recognised, respected and secured. Independent advocacy changes lives for the better.
Please get in touch with SIAA if you have any quetsions about our 2021 Manifesto.